A sudden injury is always a shocking and painful experience. And when someone else’s careless or intentional actions are to blame, there is also a deep sense of injustice. The injured person may face steep medical bills, lost income, and chronic or long-lasting pain. Fortunately, South Carolina law allows individuals in these situations to file personal injury claims seeking compensation for their losses.

Filing a personal injury claim on your own is possible but not the best idea. An experienced personal injury attorney can help build a compelling case to maximize your compensation and minimize the demands on your time as you recuperate.

So, what does a personal injury attorney do? Let’s explore the answer to that question in detail.

Role of a Personal Injury Attorney

Personal injury law focuses on a legal term called negligence. When someone else’s reckless or purposeful actions harm another, they act negligently. A personal injury attorney’s job is to prove the at-fault party’s negligence to recover compensation for the victim.

A personal injury attorney will investigate the case to understand the cause and consequences of the client’s injury. The goal is to build a claim that successfully recovers money for the totality of the victim’s financial and personal losses. Often, the money comes from negotiating a fair insurance settlement. Other times, a personal injury attorney may need to take the case to trial for a judge or jury to decide.

Benefits of Seeking a Personal Injury Attorney

There are many advantages to hiring a personal injury lawyer rather than handling your case alone. An experienced attorney offers:

  • Thorough knowledge of the legal system – Personal injury law is complex. A knowledgeable attorney understands the procedures and how to build a convincing case. They know how to file paperwork properly and meet vital deadlines.
  • An objective perspective – Emotions run high after an accident. An attorney offers an unbiased view regarding your options and the value of your claim.
  • Investigative skills – A personal injury lawyer knows how to investigate your case thoroughly, interview witnesses, preserve evidence, and build a strong argument for compensation.
  • Familiarity with insurance companies – Insurance policies are often confusing, and claimants may not know how much money they’re entitled to. A personal injury attorney can read the fine print to understand what’s covered and for how much, and then advocate aggressively for every cent.
  • Reduced stress – You can focus on healing with an attorney handling the intricacies of your legal case.

How a Lawyer Can Help After a Personal Injury in SC

A personal injury lawyer in S.C. could optimize your chances of success by:

  • Reviewing your case to assess whether you have a valid claim
  • Investigating the accident to determine what happened
  • Identifying all liable party(s)
  • Negotiating with the responsible party(s) insurance providers to secure a fair settlement package
  • Taking the case to court if the insurer is unwilling to settle

Your legal representative can also help you find medical and mental health support resources to aid your recovery.

Contact Wilson Law Group, LLC, Today

Did you suffer a personal injury in South Carolina? With over 30 years of experience winning big for our clients, the attorneys at Wilson Law Group, LLC, are ready to fight for justice and accountability for you. Contact us today for a free consultation with a trusted personal injury lawyer.